The IFRA story-

The IFRA story

from doctors, pilots and the international air ambulance austria
What are the foundations of a good assistance company? Medical expertise - Aviation expertise
The starting point for IFRA.
found five doctors and pilots around Dr. med. Christian Steindl the air rescue service Austria. Medical and aeronautical competences were already laid in the cradle of IFRA at that time.

Since its inception
IFRA has steadily expanded its expertise: assistance services today go far beyond repatriation services, ambulance services, technical support and legal support. In addition, there are cooperations with alliances all over the world - our IFRA Network.

the company is divided: since then, apart from IFRA Assistance GmbH, the IFRA Club has also made special efforts to provide support to our private customers.

Christian Steindl

To this day he remains the driving force behind IFRA. His career has shaped IFRA and IFRA has shaped his career:

born in Vienna in 1949

The doctor
Studied medicine in Vienna including a study visit to New York’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Served as a community doctor from 1980 to 2006. Sworn medical expert for general and aviation medicine for various airlines. Federal Aviation Association (FAA) aeromedical training in the USA, member of various expert forums such as the society

The pilot
Holder of a commercial pilot’s licence since 1981. Regular sorties for Charter Air Wien from 1988. President of the Austrian Society for Aviation Medicine.

The entrepreneur
Co-founder and organiser of Lower Austria’s emergency doctor service.  Cofounder of IFRA Founder and managing director of IFRA Assistance GmbH
Christian Steindl-